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April 21, 2010

Mountain House Lifestyle Photography | Chrun Family


Alison is friends with a few of my past clients and we were kinda introduced to each other on Facebook. I started following her pictures of her little monkey Alijah and she has been following my work on our Fan page. And finally we got the chance to meet the wonderful family this week in my beloved Mountain House. (Which I do miss...)

The family drove out all the way from Sacramento to meet us out in the open fields for a fun day chasing rabbits and birds, floating red balloons and lots of laughter from little Alijah. One of my most relaxed and fun Lifestyle sessions to date. I look forward to see more of this family and watching their love grow through the years. Enjoy!


  1. KIM!!! The pictures you took of my brother and his family are AMAZING!!! I can't wait until I see more the pictures! :0)
